10 January 2010

Moving along with BrowserCMS

As I have mentioned in one of my previous posts that, the project I am associated at present deals with setting up a Content management System using BrowserCMS. Its been quite a some time I am involved in this project and in the mean time learnt a lot about this CMS. The best part is that, the CTO of BrowserMedia Mr.Patrick Peak would answer to any of your doubts related to BrowserCMS. I have had a lot of questions related to BCMS and most of them were answered by him in a matter of day. So Iam really thankful to him and really appreciate the work he has been doing.

This project is taking quite a bit of time to get it completed because of some special requiremnts from the client like setting up Multi Language functionality. Though BrowserCMS don't have a built in support for i18n(As told by Mr.Patrick Peak,CTO BrowserMedia), It was a huge challenge for me to bring some unique concept of Multi Language functionality in Browser CMS. Well, I did make a quite a bit of research on this and finally came up with indeed a unique concept to get this requirement done.
The concept has been explained to our client and is waiting to get his approval.

In the coming posts you can expect, the Idea behind setting up the Multi Language Functionality using browser CMS. So stay tuned. Till then CiaO

Ruby Tip of the day:

To check if there is an item in an array...
>> ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird'].include? 'Dog'
=> true


  1. Ciao amico, che รจ stato tipico di voi per trovare una via d'uscita, quando non c'era nessuno...

  2. Sounds so hardcore to me, but then i'm a little bit (more like a lot) of a noob lollzz ;)

  3. Browser CMS is a heap of junk and should be avoided at all costs.


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