26 July 2009


Well actually i was planning to write down something here since a long time. But the life after graduation. OMG.. Its driving me nuts.

Anyways am here back with something to share with you all.
Okay. You must be thinking What the "F" is the title of this post all about. Well, those who knows me well must have guessed it right what am I gonna share with you all.

Infact most of you might have read the novel from Chetan Bhagat titled "One night @ the Call Center". Well I am not gonna bore you with any of my stories here.Lol
Here I want to share with you all some precious moments of my life, actually 230 days of my life at the city of garden, Bangalore.

I was here in search of a job. Well when I say about the job, I remember about the three Job offers which I had received when I was doing my graduations, but none of the three MNC dared to take a peek into the lifes of these graduated freshers.

Anyways, let me not divert from the fact that I am here to share something about those 230 nights. Okay, Now that you have read so far, and had a good look into the title of this post, I needn't mention what was the job I finally landed into.

Those who are getting bored by the stuff over here, Please just get the hell out of here.Just Kidding. Its your time.Why should I be bothered of your time.Wohaaaah... Okay back to track.

One Month Of Training:

I was really exited about this job, Though this was not the right kind of job I must be doing.Anyways job is a job untill they pay me for what I am doing. Well, The first day was pretty cool. My training team was great. trainer too was great. I was loving this place.Did I mention that i was a graduate fresher.Well okay, I am a graduate fresher and this was my first professional exposure. So I was just enjoying pretty much in all ways.
Days of training were going incredibly great,Why shouldnt it be. The Client to which we are supposed to work after the one month of training was a huge name in the market.

We had few tests based on the training. Some were exceptionally good that they topped the tests in all means.
Did I mention that this company is a call center. yea.. the final test which we trainees had to undergo was MOCK CALLs, where we trainees had to attend the calls of some other trainers and the calls would be monitered by some other trainers and finally all these trainers would evaluate each trainee based on his performance.. few of my team members were having a charming faces as they had done exceptionally well..and few had dull faces, for the reason that you must have guessed it right.My face expressions were pretty much fifty fifty kind of.Lol. And these dull faces were of those charming girls who were supposed to be always charming being the fact that they are always charming. Hahaha..

But surprise surprise.... The Dull faces turns out to be charming and few charming faces turns out to be dull. You know why.. haha...the results are out and it seems like the great trainers liked the charming faces of girls so much that performances were not looked into but the charmness and the butteryness of few others were the basis of test evaluations.

This was the begining of so called politics in a professional world. We had to accept it. We have to move on. Well the one with the charming faces and buttery character were straightly moved into the respective positions and made permanent employees. And the rest of them were put into a temporary positions for three months.What about me? I am not a girl with the charm and ya...i dont have buttery soapy words flowing out of me for my trainers, so I am in the Temporary post.

The Three Months With  A New Team

Click HERE to read the second part.

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